
Is Love Protective Or Is Love Allowing?

By July 13, 2018 September 27th, 2019 No Comments

To quote the Pleiadians channeled through Barbara Marciniak “Is love protective or is love allowing?” This is a question that I asked myself for a long time. I’ve gone back and forth as to which it was until one day while pondering and swimming around in my sea of thoughts, something I often love to do, I realized it is not one or the other, it is both. I’m finding more and more in life that everything is both when there is a polarized decision at hand. What it comes down to when at this crossroads is what type of experience do you want to have? Nothing in this life is wrong or right, it’s just love. When the veil of this human experience is lifted and we return to being souls we remember in any experience we were just playing different roles in the great “Game of life.” We are all made of the same Source essence and we are all here remembering the fullness of who we all are, SOURCE. In order to know ourselves, we have to be able to experience the duality that is just a separation of the all. When we come into this human experience we have already made agreements/contracts with ourselves and other souls to assist each other on our soul’s evolutionary growth. We do this by playing a role for another soul in order to have a particular experience in a given lifetime. Experiences are the only thing we take with us. They are imprinted onto our soul like information is stored on a computer hard-drive.

I recently returned from a trip to Hawaii. My primary reason for being on this trip was to support Kerry by caring for our daughter Stella. Kerry was studying and partaking in a third and final part of a multi-tiered astrology program and it was a great excuse for me to take a trip to one of my favorite places I have ever visited. (Side note: Major kudos to her in my eyes for taking on the challenge of choosing to tackle the entirety of this program while in the first four months of being a first-time parent and starting her own business. Kerry = amazing!) I was outwardly confident in my ability to take on the role of being the primary caretaker but internally I felt daunted by this task. I had yet to be in a position where I was in charge of caring for Stella for extended periods of time with no exit in sight. I always felt like I could pull the ripcord and reach out to Kerry if everything went to hell in a handbasket. The biggest contributor to what I was feeling inside was Stella’s choice to accept a bottle. It was selective at best heading into this trip. Since I didn’t have “the goods” that Kerry did I was always having to find alternative ways to comfort and soothe Stella. I questioned if I was armed with enough tools to handle whatever the situation brought. As I moved through the experience I found myself shifting perspectives from daunted and fearful to empowered and proud. Proud of myself for rising to the challenges and fear I previously felt and empowered as I grew in my awareness of our daughter’s subtle, and sometimes not so subtle, communication. Ironically, I even felt mad when Kerry stepped out of the class to come to support Stella and me. Her spidey senses tingled and she was standing in front of us almost instantaneously as if she teleported from the classroom to where we were. So is Kerry stepping in for the highest good of everyone involved? She was doing this from a mindful and loving intention but at that moment it felt like she was bailing me out. That’s how I perceived it but this is only a partial truth. I was feeling one thing while Kerry was feeling her own version of this experience. One that I wasn’t seeing in the heat of the moment, things like: feeling neglectful as a mom, pressures of the other people in the classroom asking her if she was going to go help and more. It’s relevant to mention that the area I was spending most of my time watching Stella was in ear-shot of where the classes were taking place. So is the most loving approach for Kerry to have stepped in or to stay out? To allow or to protect? Love is both. Love is having a complete awareness of everything that you’re experiencing and what others are experiencing. In that fuller awareness seeing that whatever the experience that each person is having is all the same because we are derivatives of the same SOURCE. No choice that either of us could have made was wrong or right and when you choose love you’re able to embrace any outcome of any experience from a balanced perspective and BE present.

There were so many takeaways and gifts from this trip that I feel this would turn into a really long blog post if I were to list them all. We got to experience what it was like to live in a van together, I learned how to DO less and BE more, I got to watch my partner experience Hawaii for the first time and enjoy watching her have those firsts that I had when I was first in Hawaii. I gleaned SO much knowledge about astrology and feel I can keep up with Kerry a little more as she teaches me her modality of choice. I am grateful for the opportunity to have had my own experience within Kerry’s experience. I am grateful for all the experiences of this trip and I am grateful for the opportunity to share and serve others through my path of growth and expansion.

“I AM a Child of the Light – I love the Light – I serve the Light – I live in the Light – I AM protected, illuminated, supplied, sustained by the Light, and I bless the Light”