
The Painful Realities and Tensions of Breaking The Mold and Growing

By February 28, 2022 No Comments

Take any idea. Where does it come from? What is the source of that idea? You? Someone else? Something else? Let’s say it’s how long should I walk the dog for every day? Some might say I’m gonna read an article or a book to know what the “experts” say. Do you then take it on as a belief that it is true, whatever you read or are told? Do you just walk the dog for whatever duration you are told is the “right” amount and don’t reflect on whether the results of doing what you were told resonates with you and/or your dog? I find we tend to “check out” and not be present. We are not evaluating and refining our routines and habits. We don’t aim to get them to a place where we feel good and content with the results. We are overwhelmed constantly with SO much everything that we shut down and just let a lot slide. Even if you do feel good about the results how long does that last? Is it sustainable? Or do you become bored – eventually dissatisfied with the results and desire to try something new and different?

What I’m ultimately speaking to is the variable of growth and how each of us to some degree constantly feels a desire to grow. Those that don’t get pushed along by the universe typically. They are the victim of circumstance because they are out of the pocket on the back or low side. Kinda like when something breaks but it’s still hanging on by a thread and being dragged along. Then you have those that are so tenacious that they are trying to pull the collective forward when it is not ready like a mom pulling a child along by telling them to hurry up when they are wanting to stop and smell the roses. Between the two is the sweet spot. The pocket where we can grow through nutation. (Nutation – an oscillatory movement of the axis of a rotating body (such as the earth)) 

We have to get back to the source of everything, you. You are the control center. You decided what information comes in or out and you decided what you hold as a belief or what you choose to let go of. Kinda like a quality control tester for a company deciding what meets the standard or not. But who sets the standard? You again. Who can change the standard? You. Are your standards too high? Are they too low? Are they high but ungrounded with the reality of what it will take to achieve that standard? Or low and ungrounded – out of touch with reality and won’t get you to where you think it will? “If I just keep working, one day I’ll get there” we might say to ourselves. Not if you’re aiming at the wrong target and don’t have the foresight to see that your trajectory is off.

My grandfather said, “success is aiming for and hitting a target you can’t see”. This resonates with me. Back to the thought of where does an idea come from? We have an idea and/or a vision. What does it take to create that vision? We don’t know. It’s just an idea. You might say “I want to go for it! I want to create this idea into reality”. Then you have to ask yourself “what is the next step to getting there”? Do you make a plan? Do you ask others who have been there what it takes to achieve this? Has it been done before? Is it the same as the way you want to do it? Probably not. Why would you just copy someone else verbatim without eventually doing it differently? Even if it’s building the same thing but offer it for a lower price. Or, knowing there is a demand for this product but there is also a demand for a higher quality version for it. This is all growth. People having ideas and making efforts to improve and do it differently. 

Will everyone agree with what you are doing? No. Especially if it challenges the status quo of what people accept as their current paradigm or belief structure. What is the first thing a person says to something that challenges their belief system? “Prove it to me”. They don’t want to believe. Seeing is believing to a non-believer not believing is seeing. (This topic is a slippery slope and I could write a whole post just on this). Maybe I will. 

This happened to me recently. I told someone I could make a pendulum move from a standstill and they didn’t believe me. They asked “can you prove it to me” I decided at that moment in front of this person with my dad as an onlooker that I was going to show them it was possible. I had done this before plenty of times in private 1-1 coaching sessions and in front of friends. What happened? It didn’t work. I couldn’t make the pendulum move at all. I immediately felt deflated, embarrassed, and stupid. My thoughts started racing to wonder what variables were contributing to it not moving? As the quantum physics theory suggests, did it not move just by the observation of others in disbelief and not being open in their hearts but closed off and not believing? Was it my fear of performing under the pressure of an audience of disbelievers and not being committed enough to my belief? As you can see there are so many variables that even when we can recognize we are the control center and quality control tester for information we still can move through a success and failure process as we determine the formula of thoughts, emotions, and actions that create the manifestation of the original idea we had. 

What ideas do we have that we don’t believe in? Where are we limiting ourselves in the space and permission to grow? The journey of an idea’s creation from inception to manifestation means failing a lot before we find what works. To be very vulnerable, my business and how to lead a happy balanced life is one that I am stumbling and falling through every day. It’s hard to trust that the people who are coming to me are ready for information that already works even if I don’t have the whole concept or formula fully formed. Like I said earlier, I’m having to retool and refine a lot of pieces where the trajectory is off to hit the target I’m aiming at but can only see in my mind’s eye. This is challenging. Especially when along the way you are doing your best to communicate to your loved ones what you want when the reality is you can see a vision but all the grounded actions that happen on a momentary, daily, monthly, weekly, yearly basis to create that are still unclear. Closing the gap between an idea and the grounded actions to manifest it into the 3D reality of the human experience is the essence of who we are as powerful creator beings. It’s taking the idea from above and the grounded actions from below and marrying them in the middle to create something beautiful. The pocket. As above so below.