Sound Bites

001 – Sound Bites

By March 1, 2019 September 27th, 2019 No Comments


If you are receiving this newsletter, our paths have crossed at some point and I felt this information could serve you.

I have been away from music for a while. Some of you I have connected with more recently but many of you I haven’t connected with in a long time. During this time away, I have ventured down a variety of roads leading to some of the most incredible growth and experiences to date of my entire life. These experiences have included but are not limited to relocating to Los Angeles, becoming a father, becoming a teacher at the Guided Light Healing School, becoming an entrepreneur, a lot of reading and researching about the areas of life I knew little about and a greatly expanded awareness of ways to access the full potential of this human experience. Why did I do all this? Because I knew on a visceral level that I had more to offer people. I knew if I stayed on the path I was on I was going to be limiting myself and how I could support and serve others. All of these pursuits have led to the creation of Source Science Sound and Sound Bites.


Sound Bites- quality information in bite-size pieces is for anyone in or associated with the music industry who is in the pursuit of quality in all areas of their lives. This is the Maiden Voyage of this newsletter. I have received great praise throughout my life for my ability to find the most accurate, succinct and quality information pertaining to products, experiences, fun facts, you name it. With my affinity for research and the ability to compile the best of the best out there, I feel compelled to share my wealth of knowledge. Because I value your time, the intention of this newsletter is to share my findings with you on a routine basis in digestible and curated morsels. Check out this week’s findings below!

My Business:

Source Science Sound- sustainably helping musicians, bands, and artists do what they love and love what they do . Even in pursuing what I loved in life it still left me feeling unfulfilled. I also know through years of talking with many of you that I’m not alone. Why does this happen? I’ve cocluded that no matter what we pursue in life if we’re not happy and fulfilled from within first then anything you give your time and energy will be imprinted with the fullfillment or unfulfilment that you are projecting, like a movie projector, from the inside out. Our outside world is merely an effect of all of our combined thoughts, actions, and emotions we’re constantly feeling inside. By recentering yourself from within the world outside of you will change automatically. What will this result in? People being magnetized to you when you walk in a room, it will lead to more gigs, standing out in auditions, feeling encouraged instead of discouraged to practice your instrument or given trade more, better relationships with the ones you love, and a renewed love for music and life. If you feel you are struggling through life’s obstacles and want to know how to overcome them in a way that is simple, streamlined and wiil shift your life in the most amazing ways please reach out to me. Do this by replying to this newsletter for more information about a private sessions or ways I can help. I will work with you or your bands to find a way to breakthrough whatever your obstacles are to help you reconnect with the passion for music and life.

Music I’ve Been Enjoying: Takes All Time : Cory Henry and the Funk Apostles feturning Robert Randolph @coryhenry

Favorite Health Conscious Item:

Oatly Oat Milk : Click to see where you can find it near you

I have bought and tasted so many different kinds of milk. Everything from regular cow’s milk, goat’s milk, a variety of nut milk alternatives, and I even made my own almond blend for a while. Oatly Oat Milk is the perfect blend of health, taste, and convenience. This brand NAILED IT! I can’t recommend this enough.

Bonavita Digital Variable Temperature Gooseneck Kettle: A lot of items have come and gone in my kitchen in the last two years but this one has remained. I love tea and if you really go deep with tea you know or will learn that the brewing temperatures and times can be critical in getting that perfect steep. This is what led me from boiling water on the stove to a digital electric kettle. The digital display gives you the ability to view, adjust, and set the water tempature in one-degree increments. It is also a mess-free way to boil water for quick meals like oatmeal or ramen noodles.

Book I’m Revisiting: Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown

I came across this book in a blog of one of my favorite places to shop Huckberry. This book completely shifted my way of thinking by helping me prioritize decluttering my life, which most importantly starts with decluttering your thoughts. Prompted by questions presented in this book, I have gained a deep understanding of what I value most and tools to streamline my life to align with what truly matters to me. This is a book I revisit often and find new insight every time I choose to pick it back up.

Product I’ve been Enjoying:

Squatty Potty (website) : This product has gained a lot of popularity and for good reason!  I have eliminated so much more easily and effortlessly since I started using this product. It felt like another gimmick but the science proves otherwise. When you sit on the toilet you are positioning your body in such a way that creates a kink in your colon, kinda like pinching a garden hose. When you use the squatty potty it raises your knees above your hips recreating the squatting position. This is the most optimal position to straighten out your colon and allows for improved elimination.

Bonus: Still a little gun shy? Try these tricks first. After you have gotten comfortable on the toilet and you are ready to eliminate bring your chest down to your knees and hold that position until you have released everything. This achieves a similar position for the colon in a different way. Or, use an old stack of magazines to elevate your knees above your hips. You can’t make this shit up

Please give me feedback by replying to this newsletter or messaging me on Instagram. Which above is your favorite? What do you want more or less of? Other suggestions? Let me know! You can also send a message to @sinatra_sound and put #SoundBites at the end so I can find it
