Sound Bites

005 – Sound Bites

By July 5, 2019 September 27th, 2019 No Comments


This is the fifth installment of Sound Bites.

Sound Bites- quality information in bite-size pieces is for anyone in or associated with the music industry who is in the pursuit of quality in all areas of their lives. I have received great praise throughout my life for my ability to find the most accurate, succinct and quality information pertaining to products, experiences, fun facts, you name it. With my affinity for research and the ability to compile the best of the best out there, I feel compelled to share my wealth of knowledge. Because I value your time, the intention of this newsletter is to share my findings with you on a routine basis in digestible and curated morsels. Check out this week’s findings below!

I feel there is a big misperception regarding the financial status of people on stage or in other arenas of the music industry. People think if you’re on stage, you’ve “made it” and are making lots of money. In most cases this is a skewed perception of the truth. There are countless stories of extremely talented artists and musicians being financially taken advantage of by someone. Like a relationship if you don’t prioritize money it’s not going to choose you and will go to someone else that will. In your day to day choices are you putting energy into prioritizing money? Examples: setting money aside for savings, taxes, and asking if the purchase you’re making is actually serving you in moving toward your larger goals? Beethoven or any great composer had to learn the fundamentals, like reading and writing music, long before they composed any of their masterpieces. The foundational understanding required to grow and sustain a balanced relationship with money is the same as having a mastery in music or any area of life. You have to crawl before you can walk and walk before you can run. If you try to run before you learn how to crawl and walk, write a symphony before you know how to read or write music, or manage a large amount of wealth before you can manage a small amount you are going to fall flat on your face. At the least you will be stumbling every step of the way until you can make the micro adjustments that will stabilize you moving that fast. Without an understanding of the fundamentals of wealth management or actionable steps toward learning about wealth management the money will slip right through your fingers.

All the decisions you make financially are a delicate balance between your thoughts, actions, and emotions. If any one of these are out of balance it will yield an imbalanced result. Just like when playing music you have to be “in the pocket.” That sweet spot where all the musicians performing are in the groove. When all the parts that make up the whole are in alignment the results are amazing. Think about all the connection points and people that have to all be wired together and unified in order to make a show come off without a hitch. It’s mind boggling but people do it every night. That big show that you are either playing in or paid your hard earned money to go see started out with one cable. It’s difficult for people to observe that small decisions, compounded, like looking for free parking, and having one less drink, are what lead to the financial freedom you actually desire. Make the best investment you possibly can, in yourself and check out the resources in this newsletter and my previous newsletter,Sound Bites #3, and take your first step toward being financially sound.

Most resources are one dimensional or paint something to be black and white when the truth is much more multifaceted. As I continue to search these are the some of the best tools and resources that have helped me take the largest steps forward on my path toward financial freedom.

The Most Thorough Book I’ve Found On Wealth Building:

How to Make One Hell of a Profit and Still Go to Heaven

There are a lot of books out there on money. It’s hard to know which ones actually have the information that is going to help you breakthrough whatever financial barrier or obstacles you are currently confronted with. What makes this book different from the rest? It’s inclusive of everything you need to make a change in your life that is going to yield results. It offers the complete formula starting with the energetic principles all the way to the grounded actions. A lot of other information out there doesn’t address one or more pieces that I mentioned earlier in the newsletter. This book addresses energetic/emotions, mental/thoughts, and the physical/action aspects of wealth building. It’s also scalable and offers room for financial growth no matter what your current financial state is.


  • Feeling overwhelmed in learning all the misinformation we have been taught or told throughout our lives regarding money
  • Setting time aside to read the book and process all the new information in order to convert it to habitual actionable steps and see results

How I Turn Myself Into a Money Magnet Literally:

Studbaker Metals- Copper Money Clip

The energy of money is a powerful magnetizer. How we feel about our financial state has a strong impact on whether we are attracting or repelling more wealth. When we are emotionally in alignment with abundance, we attract more of it. As part of my everyday carry items I keep a day’s wage of a realistic yearly salary I’m working toward in a Studbaker money clip. This is also talked about in the book mentioned above. How to make a Hell of A Profit and Still Go To Heaven. I keep it on my person and never spend it. This physical representation of abundance and the correlated emotions in the form of cash helps remind me of how limitlessly abundant we actually are. In the end any money clip will do but, if you are looking for the high level of quality that I seek and support I would recommend Studbaker Metals. Studebaker Metals uses classic methods and the highest quality materials to hand forge products intended to last a lifetime.


  • Higher price point as a result of the quality materials and labor intensive process
  • Some products are made to order so it might be a longer waiting time between ordering and receiving the product than other companies

Quote That Resonated With Me:

“Life itself is your career, and your interaction with life is your most meaningful relationship. Everything else you’re doing is just focusing on a tiny subset of life in attempt to give it some meaning”. – Michael A. Singer

My Business:

Source Science Sound Helping musicians, bands, and artists do what they love and love what they do. Even in pursuing what I loved in life it still left me feeling unfulfilled. I also know through years of talking with many of you that I’m not alone. Why does this happen? I’ve concluded that no matter what we pursue in life if we are not happy and fulfilled from within first, then anything we give our time and energy will be colored by our unfulfilment. Unfulfilment is the result of internal imbalance. Like a movie projector, any internal discontentment is projected onto our external experiences from the inside out. Our outside world is merely an effect of all of our combined thoughts, actions, and emotions we’re constantly feeling inside. By recentering yourself from within, the world outside of you will change automatically. What will this result in? People being magnetized to you when you walk in a room, it will lead to more gigs, standing out in auditions, feeling encouraged instead of discouraged to practice your instrument or given trade more, better relationships with the ones you love, and a renewed love for music and life. If you feel you are struggling through life’s obstacles and want to know how to overcome them in a way that is simple, streamlined and will shift your life in the most amazing ways please reach out to me. Do this by replying to this newsletter for more information about private sessions or ways I can help. Experience what others think isn’t possible in career, finances, and relationships. I will work with you or your bands to find a way to break through whatever your obstacles are and help you reconnect with the passion for music and life.

Please give me feedback by replying to this newsletter or messaging me on Instagram. Which sound bite did you resonate with most? What do you want more or less of? Other suggestions? Let me know! You can also send a message to @sinatra_sound and put #SoundBites at the end.
