Sound Bites

Music As a Language, My Favorite Trail Mix, and The Edge of Creativity : Sound Bites #7

By August 30, 2019 September 27th, 2019 No Comments


This is the seventh installment of Sound Bites.

Sound Bites- quality information in bite-size pieces is for anyone in or associated with the music industry who is in the pursuit of quality in all areas of their lives. I have received great praise throughout my life for my ability to find the most accurate, succinct and quality information about products, experiences, fun facts, you name it. With my affinity for research and the ability to compile the best of the best out there, I feel compelled to share my wealth of knowledge. Because I value your time, this newsletter intends to share my findings with you on a routine basis in digestible and curated morsels. Check out this week’s findings below!

Incredible Ted Talk Video That Had Me in Tears

Victor Wooten : Music As A Language

Here is the write up from youtube…In Music as a Language Wooten makes the case for learning music in the same way as we learned our first language, calling for a more natural, less academic approach. He makes the point that, as babies, we weren’t taught our first language or corrected when we made a mistake. We didn’t even know we were beginners and got to ‘jam’ with people much better than us. Wooten draws on his own musical education as an example of how taking this approach can deliver great results.

Favorite Long-Standing Trail Mix : Perfect Balance

After learning how much more I enjoyed the taste of anything that was sourced with local ingredients I have gravitated toward products that met this criterion ever since. The quality of ingredients and the perfectly balanced recipes (just as the company name states) is what sets this trail mix apart from all the others. Perfect Balance uses a blend of organic and raw ingredients that significantly enhance the taste over all the other trail mixes you could purchase. I love even your basic trail mix but if you are looking for something that is next level, give this a try. It’s been three years since I found The Perfect Balance and I still haven’t found a trail mix for me that tops it. All three of the blends they do are fantastic but Gold was the one that got me hooked.


It’s a small company and can only be purchased in-store at select locations in California, Arizona, Nevada, and Hawaii.

If you don’t live in one of the four states mentioned above you have to order it through their website which takes more effort and time but will make the pay-off that much sweeter

Due to the quality of all the ingredients, the product price point is much higher than the average trail mix at $9.00 for a 10oz bag

Video That Really Struck a Chord With Me

The Making of In-Repair by John Mayer

Watch as John Mayer, Steve Jordan, and Charlie Hunter confront the challenge of walking into the studio with nothing and walking out with what ended-up being “In Repair” on the Continuum record. I feel this an amazing representation of great musicians unifying at the highest levels of creativity and the results of that.

Quote I’m resonating with that speaks to my current feeling of how language can be limiting

“The contradiction so puzzling to the ordinary way of thinking comes from the fact that we have to use language to communicate our inner experiences which in its very nature transcend linguistics”

  • T. Suzuki

My Business:

Source Science Sound– Helping musicians, bands, and artists do what they love and love what they do. Even in pursuing what I loved in life it still left me feeling unfulfilled. I also know through years of talking with many of you that I’m not alone. Why does this happen? I’ve concluded that no matter what we pursue in life if we are not happy and fulfilled from within first, then anything we give our time and energy will be colored by our unfulfillment. Unfulfilment is the result of internal imbalance. Like a movie projector, any internal discontentment is projected onto our external experiences from the inside out. Our outside world is merely an effect of all of our combined thoughts, actions, and emotions we’re constantly feeling inside. By recentering yourself from within, the world outside of you will change automatically. What will this result in? People being magnetized to you when you walk in a room, it will lead to more gigs, standing out in auditions, feeling encouraged instead of discouraged to practice your instrument or given trade more, better relationships with the ones you love, and a renewed love for music and life. If you feel you are struggling through life’s obstacles and want to know how to overcome them in a way that is simple, streamlined and will shift your life in the most amazing ways please reach out to me. Do this by replying to this newsletter for more information about private sessions or ways I can help. Experience what others think isn’t possible in career, finances, and relationships. I will work with you or your bands to find a way to break through whatever your obstacles are and help you reconnect with the passion for music and life.

Please give me feedback by replying to this newsletter or messaging me on Instagram. Which sound bite did you resonate with most? What do you want more or less of? Other suggestions? Let me know! You can also send a message to @sinatra_sound and put #SoundBites at the end.
